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How's it going? Let me tell you.

In case anyone wonders how well the professional side of this writing dealio is going for me, the answer is: not all that well. Also super-great. It's a contradictory kind of gig.I've sold more paperbacks this year than ever. Yay, right? Well, yes and no. Enough to cover the costs of travel, that's the real q, and the a is: LOL NO.  And the real kick in the teeth? I've seen no sales bumps online after conventions this year. In fact not a single ebook has sold in the last 30 days. And only 1 in the 30 days before that.Le sigh.I am not discouraged about writing. Far from it. It's been an abysmally rough 3 years, life-wise, but I believe in the quality of the stories I have published, I'm excited about every project I have in the works, and I have a lot going on.

  • A novel completed & headed for line edits w/cover art commissioned.
  • A backstory novelette in the same series coming together nicely.
  • A new novel in  new series outlined (Yes! I made an outline. Me! I've already deviated from it, but I MADE IT.) The writing of it is coming along & developing beautifully.
  • I even have a totally independent new short story brewing! A THING I COULD SUBMIT TO MAGAZINES! HOW COOL IS THAT?!  (Worthy of an interrobang, that's how cool.)
  • plans made for attending more conventions  where I can meet people, sell books & hopefully participate on panels. Because I do love panels.

But as for my belief that there's a wider audience for my stories, beyond than the few people I've already reached?  Yeah, that might be nearing rock-bottom.I am happy to have the readers I do have. Thrilled, even. I never expected anyone else to find my quirky tales worthwhile. That I have touched people with my words, made readers think and ponder and feel? That's amazing and humbling will never get old.But...Still.Zero new ebook readers?Le sigh.