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How long can I feel happiness and existential dread at the same time?

It looks like a win. It sure as shit FEELS like a win, and Imma soak up this feel for a while yet. (And I've already rolled up my sleeves and pulled out the checkbook to support Senate runoffs and county-level organizers in states who are eager to build up their community political infrastructure and keep this movement...moving.)

I've already lost friends because I refuse to not celebrate, because my celebrating in my own spaces is somehow hurtful to them but their direct mockery of me four years ago--also in MY spaces, as comments--was totally okay, because standards are only unfair when they're affected...but I digress, as one does.

I'm as stressed as I am happy, and I will be until December 23, or such time before then if the GOP's use-the-machinery-against-itself long con finally succeeds and we end up with an unelected dictator for four years minimum and become the world's laughingstock forever.

How I can be thrilled about the projected numbers, the historic turnout, and successful re-enfranchisement efforts etc AND still be terrified it won't last? Two words: electoral shenanigans.

The presidential part of this election ain't over until the Electors vote & their votes are recorded--and that won't happen for entirely too many days for my peace of mind. There's many a slip twixt ballot box and inauguration stand, and I know too much history to be sanguine about the state of our union right now.

Here's a handy timeline for the clown-car slow-motion shitshow that is our Electoral College system, courtesy of the Associated Press.

And if you were thinking, "Hey, this seems unreasonably complicated and unnecessary,"as you read it, you're right! The Electoral College was specifically designed to keep the election of our president LESS democratic. (If you're thinking, "AP, pfft, fake news, you are possibly in the wrong blog.")

I've had a soapbox labeled "amend away the fershlugginer Electoral College already, FFS" under my desk for decades.


The AP timeline doesn't tackle allof the potential issues. So. Here are some are important dates in my hope/fear timeline:
13-20 November, 2020. Most states will announce their certified official vote tallies from the November 3 election during this window. Until each state announces its certified, official results, the posted vote totals are provisional, subject to litigation, recounts, and general fooferall.

Now, there are literal books' worth of laws protecting vote counts from fraud, and thousands of eyes from both parties on the tallying at all times. Organized fraud just cannot long endure where paper ballots are used and their count is being watched by many people. Sadly, there are whole swaths of the US where electronic ballots can still...vaporize.

BUT. With the exception of the Georgia recount (which I have no faith will end any better than Florida in 2000) I expect the system will cough up certified totals reflecting the projected ones. So. So far, so good.

BUT! (there's always a but, alas)

14 December, 2020 is when the Electoral College votes are cast, and no state's popular vote matters a hill of beans until the Electors cast their votes according to rules that vary from state to state. And the potential for the Electoral Vote to go wrong is both real and flatly terrifying.

Litigation and challenges are already in progress, and challenges could easily go to the current Supreme Court, which has recently abandoned any pretense of judicial impartiality and bent the term 'originalism' to translate as 'whatever we want it to mean." And some members (Hi, Bret Kavanaugh!) support hella wacko positions regarding the interpretation of Bush v. Gore from 2000.

There's a non-zero chance state legislatures in up to 17 states could nullify the will of their own electorates. It's slim, and based on a questionable technicality (here's an article on it: ) but any non-zero chance of a big decision reaching our current Supreme Court is enough to give me nightmares.

23 December, 2020: Electoral votes must be reported and certified by this date. So. If we get this far with a Biden/Harris victory intact, that will make for a very nice "the sun will return" solstice present. If we do not, I will angry, I'll be sad that I'm witnessing the suicidal death throes of American democracy, but I won't be shocked.

January 6: The Electoral votes will finally get tallied in Congress and the results are announced. By the Vice President. I plan to watch C-Span.

20 January, 2021: Inauguration Day. For someone.

I'll be riding this hope-fear swing pretty hard for 71 more days.

IN THE MEANTIME, to keep my mind off All The Things I'll be finishing Sharp Edge Of Yesterday, (November is National Finish My Fucking Revisions Month!) then tackling the first draft of Ghost Town because I hate leaving projects unfinished, and setting up Sharp Edge for publication.

That's all until later.