Guest post! Jophiel: Path of Angels

Give a warm welcome to Patricia Lynne, celebrating the release of the latest book in her Path of Angels series!
Rest your eyes on the gorgeous cover for a moment (no, not literally, ewwww) Now, read the blurb and the other tantalizing, enticing and intriguing info you'll want to know. Keep scrolling for the author bio and links for contacting, following and all the good stuff.

They must fight to stay on the path.
Joe embraces his duty without fear or hesitation, always ready for the next battle. But the path has never been easy. With Michael’s return, they uncover a truth more dangerous than they ever imagined. Their enemy plans to unleash the devil himself, Lucifer. Help comes in the form of an unlikely alley: a member of the fallen.
Mariangela is trying to make amends by protecting the child she is carrying. After blindly following Lucifer in the rebellion, her misguided allegiance came with a price: banishment from heaven. Now, as she strives for forgiveness in the human world, she must fight to prevent Uriel, a fallen archangel, from using her child to free evil from Hell.
The path becomes a battleground, one which may already be lost.

And because reasons-not-to has been a theme in my life recently, here are 5 reasons not to read Jophiel presented by the character himself, plus a short interview.

Hello, Jophiel here. Reading is such a pain, isn’t it? You have to sit for hours on end, your butt goes numb, and you’re forced to use your brain. Ain’t no one got time for that. Fear not, I’m here to help. These excuses are fool proof! You’re welcome.
#5: You’ve been working hard all day and your brain needs a break. Reading won’t do that, but a mindless game like Tetris will.
#4: It’s late at night, so you can’t read then. Reading in the dark is bad for your eyes. Better to put it off until tomorrow. Or next week.
#3: My book is the third in the series. Naturally, if you haven’t read Michael and Zadekiel, you can’t read this one. You will have zero idea what’s going on.
#2: There’s a door in your house that won’t stay open. Or you need to weigh something down. The only thing you have is this book. You have no choice but to not read.
And the #1 reason for not reading this book: The series will become a blockbuster movie. So there’s really no point when one blessed day you’ll be graced with my handsome face on the silver screen.
That's all fascinating, but let's get to the real goodness. Tell us a bit about yourself and what makes you tick.
Joe: Hi, my name is Joe and I’m an alcoholic. KIDDING! I shouldn’t joke about that. Especially for Zade’s sake. *Joe flops down on a couch, kicking his leg up on the coffee table* I’m the oldest of us four. The comedian. Don’t listen to Gabe. Nothing diffuses tension better than a joke. I do have a serious side to me. What we do is dangerous and one misstep could get us killed. I won’t risk my brothers.
Do you have any hobbies, favorite TV shows, books? Anything you fangirl/boy over?
Joe: Call of Duty, but I don’t get to play it much. I guess I’m living in a video game in a way now. Not sure that’s better. Video games aren’t as life threatening. Unless you count, spending way too much time sitting and playing instead of moving.
What is one thing from your past you’re most proud of?
Joe: Jumping off the church in my hometown and trying to fly. None of my brothers wanted to. They were content to stay on the ground. Come on, you have to be daring and willing to bust your leg.
And to wrap up, let’s play favorites:
Pepsi or Coke?
Joe: Whatever one wants to sponsor me. *grins*
Pie or Cake?
Joe: What about Pie with cake filling? You feeling me?
White or dark chocolate?
Joe: I’ll take both. Why discriminate? *winks*
Playstation 4 or Xbox 1or WiiU?
Joe: Xbox 1 baby!
Paperback book or ebook?
Joe: Reading? Ugh.
Summer or winter?
Joe: Actually, I prefer fall. Not too hot, not too cold. Plus, there’s Halloween and I firmly believe you are never to big to play dress up. Especially when free candy is involved.
Puppies or kittens?
Joe: Kittens all the way.
Vampires or werewolves?

Joe: Witches. They are much hotter than a corpse or fur ball.

About the Author:
Patricia Josephine never set out to become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. She was all about art. On a whim, she wrote down a story bouncing in her head. That was the start of it and she hasn't regretted a moment. She writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.
Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo, has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow, and an obsession with Doctor Who.

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