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Getting closer allla da time

Soon there will be publishing. Two manuscripts are being readied for tucking into little ebook bottles. They'll both be hitting the digital ocean at once.Platforms have been chosen (Amazon because well, duh, and Smashwords for every other venue) pricing structure dilemma has been solved, and I'm now contemplating the un-thrilling topics of cover art and other presentation minutia which make the difference between anyone taking a peek or passing things by.I've located a basic-bare-bones cover art layout service. Good enough for free stuff.  Done. Settled. Huzzah. The only hitch? I need to settle blurb issues before I commission art.Catchy descriptions. (insert groan of horror here.) Not my strong suit. Hell, not even my grubby tee shirt with holes in it. I've cobbled together a decent blurb for the second book. I need a better hook for the first one, so it's off to the writing board I'll be going this weekend.Biggest problem remaining:  I think I need a series/setting  title too. These two novels are complete, there are two novelettes in the same world  plus two others novels that only need copy-editing and cosmetic changes to be ready. "The adventures of some characters" really doesn't have much a ring to it. "Rogue Agents" has a ring, but it's a) misleading, given that agents are only main characters in one story out of six and b) the ring is tarnished and way, way, way cliche.Figuring out what connection to emphasize between disparate characters separated by setting and time is whiny-grumbly-hard.Hm.  Maybe "The Independence." "The Independents"  Something  like that.This requires more pondering. Also possibly cookies.