Gen Con Online: come join the fun!

I posted Zoom links for my Gen Con Online events this AM.

THIS IS REALLY REAL NOW! I haven't run a Gen Con event in 25 years or more. What a way to jump back into the pool, eh?

Are you coming to the virtual convention? You should, if you can. I mean, how many times in your life will attending Gen Con be FREE?

First you grab a free badge here:
Gen Con Online sign-in

And then you grab tickets to any virtual events you want to join. Many events do charge a small fee, but mine do not. (Because I get to decide, and I decided I wanted to make them free, that's why.) To make things ever-so-easy, here are direct links to MY events:

Rough Passages Reading & Chat
(a low-key, low-pressure hangout to start my con)
Thursday July 30, 2020 6:00 PM CDT/ 7PM EDT

Indie Publishing Adventures
(I've invited several other authors to chat with me about how we define success in publishing and taking different paths to reach our goals.)
Friday July 31, 2020 12:00 CDT/ 1PM EDT

I have a third event too, but that one is full. But there are hundreds of other cool games and demonstrations and streaming 'casts to choose from.

Your Gen Con Badge will also allow you to join the GenCon Discord server starting TODAY, plus it gives you access to all online vendor showcases during the convention dates and much MUCH more.

Here endeth the promo post. Until later!


Writer Reading Report: Battle Ground


Masks. Is yours comfy?