Gen Con 2019 blog post #1

Preliminary verdict on how I feel about Authors Avenue: I'm loving it (The picture on this post isn't Authors Ave, I just love the image of gamers taking over the stadium floor.)

ANYway. I digress of course.

I'm having an absolute blast at Gen Con. Wonderful, welcoming table neighbors, visits from friends & friends of friends, and even a reader who bought Rough Passages at a con earlier this year. They wanted me to know how much they enjoyed it.

Yes, I did a total happy dance.

Special shout outs to Maria Turner & Hans Cummings, who have been steadfastly supportive & patient with my noob questions since long before I got my table this year, and to Matt Press, whose luggage & displays got lost by the airlines for the first day & 1/2, but who still put together a great display & who has a free book on Kindle just for this weekend.

So. Anyway. I've passed out loads of "Love Is Positive" stickers & ribbons, gotten to talk about the Restoration world and the incredible characters in Rough Passages, and a lot of people signed up to get my free email story.

All that AND I've sent books off to new homes too!

So. Yeah. It's all the happy.

I've been recharging by hibernating in the room for a long while after the dealer's area closes, then walking out to get some food before crashing. My throat is sore from talking over crowd noise, but so far, still feeling healthy.

Time to rest up & brace for the Saturday crowds!

Big thanks to everyone who stopped by and hello to all the new readers! (And a few extra exclamation points, just to make sure I use them up!!!!)

Until later, all.


Gen Con 2019 post #2


I promised a character portrait post. Here it be.