Five me things in no particular order

Some Twitter list things went around recently (I don't know what to call a huge cluster of separate retweets-with-comments allowing people to add their takes on a particular theme w/o replying to the original tweet. It isn't a meme. It isn't a sub-tweet. I dunno.)ANYway. The original post started with a New Year's related appeal for writers to introduce themselves with "5 Things People May Not Know About You."I do love a good personal share (WORLD'S SHYEST EXHIBITIONIST HERE, HELLO)  and I loved reading the answers posted by people I follow ( see also: dragon-like data hoarding tendencies) but I didn't join the fun because:

  1. Interest had died down long before I herded my thoughts into word order, and I am weary of being That Person who awkwardly chimes into a fun song two measures late and off the beat. Same thing happened with another flurry of data posts under the heading "Skills people think I have vs skills I actually have."
  2. Twitter is ephemeral. If I'm going to the trouble of wordsing, I'd rather chisel them into the walls of this space, which is designed to last a bit longer.  (It isn't that I imagine my prose is deathless, glorious perfection, just that making & organizing ANY sentences is haaaaard. I like to know they'll stay where I've left them.)

So. Without further ado, more random facts about me you may not know:

  • I didn't master tying my shoes until I was eight.
  • I can (successfully) bake muffins, breads and several kinds of cookies without consulting recipes or using measuring tools.
  • I first sat cross-legged at the age of fourteen, after lots of exercise to get my hips to loosen up far enough to make it possible.
  • Choosing History or Biology as a college major came down to a literal coin toss.
  • My ability to interpret facial expressions is minimal. Angry, fearful, excited, joyful...all I can say with confidence is "Strong emotion, prolly?" This has made me a highly-motivated student of kinesics & nonverbal communication in general.
  • If I don't practice whistling daily, I lose all ability within a week & have to re-teach myself from scratch.
  • I can ID a dozen breeds of horse and cow on sight, and far more tropical fish species. Ditto for birds, reptiles, and small mammals.
  • My body is always healing stressed tendons or ligaments somewhere. Always. Evaluating & supporting multiple minor sprains & strains is a daily routine.
  • My favorite color is cobalt blue. But I think everyone knows that one.

Yes, I can count, I know that's nine, not five, but I was on a roll, so you got them all.  Now I'm feeling self-conscious and figure I'm boring everyone, so I'll say adieu, and get back to the fiction writing.Until next time!grafitti-1574031_1280


Two random thoughts


One of my many random quirks