Eels, dear readers.

My brain has a bad case of "Hahaha no focus for you!" today.

It's book release nerves. I know that. Knowing doesn't help. (WHY, NERVES? WHY? YOU ARE POINTLESS.)

Being antsy will have zero effect on The Sharp Edge Of Yesterday's ultimate fate. Either it will land in a cushy safety net built by happy readers who write reviews and make word-of-mouth recommendations, or it will quickly sink into the yawning void of the internet, mostly unseen and unloved except by my elite cadre of awesome fans.

That's out of my hands. What's in my hands is a lot of work.

Well. It should be in my hands. It's languishing undone. I still need to write social media promos to boost the release. My email list needs love. The website will need updating. Boxes need mailing--suffice to say, there's a lot more on the list.

Then there's all the Life Stuff that doesn't stop just because I write books. Bills need paying, a million little things need fixing, the cupboards are kinda bare, the laundry (AUGH LAUNDRY)

I know I need to choose one task and start it, but they all feel so slippery inside my head it's impossible to get a grip on them. Seriously. Each task is a slick, slimy, squirmy eel of an idea that gets slipperier the longer I try to hold onto it for evaluation. Is slipperier a word? Spellcheck thinks so. ANYway.

Forget brain weasels. Today I have brain hagfish.

OK,, fine, hagfish aren't eels, but WORK WITH ME HERE, will you? They're figurative hag eels. Or something.

I could keep wrestling with them, or I could keep scrolling social media for funny memes, write a blog post, & wait for one of the tasks to dry off enough that I can pick it up. Guess which strategy I'm going with.

Oh, and the book on sale I mentioned? ROUGH PASSAGES $0.99 ebook right now. Moms with superpowers, activist teens, & heroic Marines. You want it. Unless you have it already. You probably do.

But if you don't: for Kindle for everything else.

Sharp Edge of Yesterday (like Rough Passages, only bigger, longer, & with MOAR POWERS) has its own linkie page:

Okay, that's more than enough for now. Probably too much.

Until later!

And now a word from our sponsor...okay, from me.

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Bonus kitteh picture for everyone who got this far.
(Photo by cottonbro on

PS: EXTRA life points for anyone who knows the song I paraphrased in the post title.


Launch Week Feels, or, I am a sea turtle


Love at First Sight