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Look, a cute cat! Also an important request.

Email newsletter sign-ups are vitally important to independent authors like me. Please click the link at the bottom of this post and join my mailing list. Don't wait. Don't tell yourself, "I'll do it later."  Don't dismiss it thinking, "Oh, I don't need that." Don't put it off.Do. It. Right. Now. Please.Why so emphatic?  I will explain. Spoiler alert: I am not big on persuasive rhetoric. I'm into raw data. Here 'tis, with bullet points)

It's a free way to show your support

People who care enough to join a list want to be there. That's no small confidence-builder. (And who doesn't love free?)  If you're on my list, I know I'm not bugging you when I talk about a great new release or announce a short story or show off a new cover. You asked to be included. Knowing I have an undeniably real audience waiting for things from me keeps me going on bad days. And good ones.

If you aren't getting the newsletter, you WILL miss important book news.

Some of you follow me on other social media, but let's get real.  Facebook & Twitter are great first contact points and excellent for connection, but for announcements and alerts? They're a crap-shoot at best. It's too easy to miss things. Trying to keep up with everyone and everything every day is impossible.A newsletter comes straight to you. Can't miss it. And it's patient. It doesn't disappear down the timeline or get hidden.With the newsletter, even if  I--or you--step away from Facebook for a long break or delete social media entirely, we won't lose touch.

Subscribers get exclusive gifts and benefits. Yes, for free.

It all starts with a subscribers-only Rough Passages short story. You get that just for signing up. There will be more.  I have raffle ideas in mind. I'm working on stickers, unit badges, and other awesome subscriber loot. I may even share an email address to subscribers for entering story errata, so all of you can share directly what I got wrong & need to fix. (and get entered in the Fix-it Raffle!)

Subscribers get all the fun news first.

I have to give my most loyal fans the best benefits, right? You'll get to share in the excitement of new covers or other graphics before anyone except me, (and the artist) and if I'm seeking reader opinions on future decisions, I'll consult with my email subscribers first and give their answers greater weight.

It's easy.

Seriously. All I need is your email address. I do have the list set up for 2-step confirmation because consent matters, but it isn't hard. You provide your email, you get an email asking you to click on things to confirm your interest and verify that you are not a Giant Robot. That's it.

It's easy to stop, too.

At any time you want, you can get off the list by clicking a link at the bottom of every newsletter email I send. For real. I've subscribed and unsubscribed a couple of times to test the feature.In summary: I have a mailing list now so I can keep in touch with people who want to hear important news about my books and get exclusive fan perks. I would love for you to be a subscriber.Here's a direct link to the newsletter page: CLICK HERE TO SIGN UPAnd here are more pictures of my cranky ol' cat:[gallery ids="43109,43110,43111,43112,43113" type="rectangular"]

He is just so darned adorable.

As always, thank you for reading.