Introducing some fine fictional people

 Say hello to Jack Coby, Kris Stanislav, and Amy Goodall, from Rough Passages. (What is Rough Passages? YOU know. That's my book. The one you can buy by clicking here or by clicking the cover picture in the left-side column.
Like them? YES OF COURSE YOU LIKE THEM. Ahem. Well. I like them, anyway.Here are a few more: Colonel Marcia Galloway & Captain Jefferson USMC, and Lance Cpl. Dante Fredericks 
 Many thanks to Toni Johnson of @ToniJdotcom for these fantastic visualizations! If you want to know more about the characters, check out the Character Art Page for descriptions and biographies.
I'll be using these illustrations to make collectible cards for all my Rough Passages stars, so expect more developments in the months to come.



What's in a name?


What about love...a late & slightly obscure rant