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Book needs blurb. Author needs hug.

Writing cover copy is a particular set of writing skills, but skills can be learned, right?   Practice makes perfect. No pressure. These are just the words that make or break a reader's first impression of my book. IT'S FINE, REALLY.<sobs>Here's my first stab at a blurb for The Sharp Edge Of Yesterday, the next novel in my Rough Passages supers series. Thoughts, anyone?Grace Trapani is fighting for her life. The Department of Public Safety wants her behind bars, her estranged husband wants to control her body and soul, and the power in her blood makes her a threat to her own family.She left behind everything she knows to protect her daughters, but she can't hide from the destructive forces growing inside her. Only a dedicated group of rebels within the Department can help her escape imprisonment and death.I know it needs something. Salt? Garlic? A swift, sharp kick? Anyway.Also, Grace's last name is currently up for revision. It might end up being Horn or Reed, or maybe Keiffer?  NAMES ARE HARD TOO. Ideas welcome.To end on a less-whiny note, pretty pictures! The top image is the full-wrap cover painting. Below is a detail on the front cover. It's coming out pale on my monitor, not sure why. It's gorgeous, really.I LOVE THIS COVER THOSEoY Postcard