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Book Links to Love & Share

Just a few things I've collected here and there over the last little while. Some are on sale, all are awesome & recommended in their areas.51ws46gnhdl-_sx331_bo1204203200_

21 Shades of Night: A Steamy Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy CollectionOn sale 99 cents as of 7/13Amazon.comAmazon.UKiBook:…/1123667217…Kobo:

In honor of the upcoming book Inimicus (The 11TH Percent Series, Book 4) the author is making the first three books 99 cents! All three of them! 13626618_10102334078754511_2243850230044368059_n Get them during the sale, which lasts from7/10/16 until next Sunday, 7/17/16! Here are the purchase links:The 11th Percent (Book 1)KINDLE US: UK: AU: and Time (Book 2)Kindle US: UK: AU: (Book 3)US:
The Kidnap Plot (The Extraordinary Journeys of Clockwork Charlie) by Dave Butler. A delightful YA book. The Kidnap Plot (The Extraordinary Journeys of Clockwork Charlie)
Robert Asprin wrote the first twelve of these wonderful books. After he turned in #12, Something M.Y.T.H., Inc., he asked Jody Lynn Nye to collaborate on future volumes. Together they wrote six new novels and a short story collection. In 2008, Robert Asprin passed away, and the mantle passed to Jody. This is the second of her solo books. I hope you will give it a try. I respect the series, I love the characters, and Jody is creating new wonders. Robert Asprin's Myth-Fits (Myth-Adventures)
Looking for some great summer reading?Check out Quincy J. Allen's new book BLOOD CURSE. Nah. I take that back. You should check out ALL of his books for doses of gritty, noir-y greatness. 51hi2b7sxldl-_sx323_bo1204203200_

Blood Curse: Book 2 of the Blood War Chronicles

And if you're looking for excellent reviews and recommendations, check out this great new page: The Flying Grasshopper on FacebookThe Flying Grasshopper's Profile Photo

The Flying Grasshopper
