Another post about GEN CON? YES!

Sunday morning at 9 o'clock as the exhibitors file into the hall. Seven more hours of con.Booth 1841 with Games Plus. Many-colored coat, bright yellow hair. Can't miss me. Unless I've wandered off.Yes, yes, I didn't post last night. Too busy catching up with a dear, dear friend(HI GARY! I had so much fun.  Thank you for making time for me. It was fab to crowd-watch  & sight-see & catch up!) from back in the summer camp days when piling six people into a car and driving from "outside Morgantown,"  to head into Bloomington Indiana was our weekend entertainment. Oh, Waycross-Hickory Hill. Always in my heart, you shaped my life in wonderful ways.ANYWAY. Con notes. Just a few, because I want to get onto the exhibit floor to wander while the crowds are absent.

  • Many thanks to all of you who have been sent by mutual friends to drop by and talk to me about books 'n stuff. And many, MANY thanks to my supportive friends. I am beyond grateful and thrilled and humbled and all that. Glitter hearts and hugs to all of you.
  • Special shout-out to the wonderful Troy Maynard, the Very Vocal Viking, who braved peak Saturday crowds to say hello. (If you haven't read his book, you should.  WONDERFUL stuff.)
  • People are stopping for stickers and then buying books just because they think the stories sound good. How cool is that? SUPER COOL.
  • Someone who bought Rough Passages on Friday dropped by to ask a fantastic, thoughtful plot&concept-related question no one else has ever asked me. Filed under "How To Make This Author GIDDY With Book Joy." (Yes, I answered his question. We had a lovely short convo about it.)
  • I'm going to have a proper logo. Daniel Govar, who designed my Dawnrigger Logo & dawn dragon, has it. No idea what it looks like yet, he wanted to surprise me here. So...THAT's exciting!
  • I had dinner last night with the Games Plus crew and it was delicious. Mount Yummy was demolished, drinks and food and stories shared. (key points: dry humor, phrasing, and a bit of gentle mockery.) Good times. I am privileged to be included.

That's all. I have many photos, but my technology is not cooperating. Later. for now...ONWARD!


A funny thing happened on Wattpad


MOAR GEN CON: Friday edition