Achievement unlocked: house to home

Tl;dr version: if you just want pictures, scroll down.Today was THE day. The magic water box. (a Zojirushi hot water dispenser) came to rest in its new kitchen home and sang us its happy little "water is hot & ready" song. This makes our move-in officially complete.Bringing over the tea maker and our everyday clothes was the culmination of the long and hectic week. It started with the movers hauling over all the Big Things & Many Boxes on Monday and that wasn't enough, so we arranged to have MOAR THINGS arrive on Wednesday. 33 new things, in fact.Now it's Sunday night, the old house is empty of all but the non-essential flotsam & jetsam of daily life, all the moving boxes have been unboxed  (or stored, as appropriate) our new mattress has done its unfoldy-expandy-floofy thing, and food is in the fridge.The move-out won't be done until the old house gets sold & the remaining "staging" furniture comes over, but this space is now ready for all our Home Things to happen.Things like making a morning cup of tea after snoozing all night at home in bedAt home.This is our home now.I feel like that idea should take longer to sink in, and I'm sure it will in some practical ways. But at the same's a done deal.There's a strange kind of magic in the moving of one's life from one location to another. The process is messy and complicated and a lot like camping in bad weather -- much more fun  to reminisce about than to live through.Things get lost. Lost things return from limbo. Discoveries are made. Mysteries arise. Old issues re-surface, and new problems pop up at every turn. Surprises of the pleasant and unpleasant variety appear at predictably unpredictable intervals.I've moved a lot in my life, enough times I would have o think hard to count them all. The first one happened when I was younger than 5. Every time, somewhere in the middle of all the upheaval, something simply changed. Home stopped being one place, and became another. This time, for me, it was hearing the tea maker beep.Have more random phone photography. 
and a bonus pic from earlier in the day, just because it's pretty:fullsizeoutput_1fd0And that's all the all there is for now.

There's more to my life than the new house: there's also Dragon Con!


More house doings, in list format