a thing that often boggles me

when I say I write books about people getting superpowers at midlife & the response is, "Wouldn't that be great? Can't wait for my power to arrive!"I chuckle, bc I am polite, but inside, I'm thinking, "Would it be great, tho? Would it really?"Fun to write about, yes. But fun to have? Sure, assuming it improved options & agency, but there's a lot of unexamined privilege in that assumption.I think about that a lot when I'm writing.Coming-of-age power fantasy might not be fantastic for people who have already accumulated multiple decades of life baggage, traumas, & obligations.Personal power has limited reach, just like (non-billionaire) personal wealth. Gaining more doesn't magically fix societal problems. And sometimes it can create friction with existing systems.I think midlife superpowers would be more intersectional than transformative. That's all I'm saying.(IMHO, YMMV & all the usual internet caveats apply.)


Gray blah start to the week


On the trail of new tunes