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2nd winter checklist

Today I'm featuring things I did yesterday, because sitting back down to the 'puter after supper was one of the things I did not do. That's a thing on my habits to-form list, one that's a struggle to achieve on nights I work.Anyway.1. Commissioned a new cover for my holiday-ish novella Joining In the Round (THANK YOU RACHEL BOSTWICK) It's going to be so much prettier and match Turning the Work much better.1.5 (because it's also an authoring thing)  Applied for an online ad in case I want to do a holiday promo for Rough Passages.2. Remembered to water the plants.2.5 Realized I now regularly sit in a chair I never used to use. A chair I recently moved it next to the plant stand. A chair near the grow lights. Evidently I am a plant.3. Worked on the present-tense revisions to my short story so I can submit it before year's end. (the one that could expand into a novella someday if I'm not careful)4. Sorted out the DVD collection so they can go into binders instead of taking up a wall of shelves. See, binders can go next to the TV so I can browse movies there instead of surfing channels. Then I can watch more things without commercials when I need a sensory distraction to help my creative focus.5. Made microscopic progress on the section of the Ghost Town WIP (work in progress) that I have to finish before I 'm allowed to dive into revisions on Sharp Edge.