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Oh, no, it's a year end post! Wait, not really.

But it's a post on New Year's Eve so it counts, I guess?

Spouseman & I are ringing out the old year with leftover steak dinner from yesterday, plus lots of popcorn and hot apple cider, while watching a 2021 movie--Black Widow. Which is nothing wild or partylike, but it's basically the kind of thing we usually do on NYE. Cozy & quiet. That's my brand, I guess?

Earlier in the day garage cleaning occurred (EXCITEMENT!) and some visiting with a friend, and there was also writing in front of the fireplace with the cat. More progress on Serena's dog story was made. Snacks were enjoyed. And Pippin snored a lot.

tabby cat in front of a burning gas fireplace with a brick hearth.
photographic proof of fireside presence.

Every time I took a writing break and surfed through the news I saw people sharing their big accomplisments from 2021. AND I AM NOTHING IF NOT A FOLLOWER. SO.

The big thing I did in 2021 was send my new book out into the world.

The Sharp Edge Of Yesterday, in case you have somehow missed all my posts about it until now, is a fantastical novel set in a world much like this one except that 10% of the populations develop unexplainable powers when they hit middle age.

It's a story about family, secrets, mistakes, and betrayal, it's about the power of trust and cooperation, it's about the evil of dehumanization, and it's about redemption. There a characters ranging in age from radical teens to badass grannies, and it stars a wicked heroine who takes charge of her own life.

Or, as my wonderful author-friend Shannon Eichorn puts it, it's about middle-aged moms with superpowers making the military very nervous. What's that? You think that book sounds epic excellent and want a link to find it? Here ya go:

It looks like this. Isn't it pretty?

Sharp Edge didn't get a release party, because pandemic, and for the same reason I only got to show it off at two conventions, one big, one small, but somewhat to my surprise, it released really, really well. Best of my six books so far by a long shot.

People bought it--LOTS of people, people who've never heard of me & didn't know anything about the book except its blurb--they reviewed it, they bought copies for other people, and they told friends to buy it. That's as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned.

Would I like more reviews? Of course I would. I want 100 reviews for each of my books. Why? WHY NOT? It's a nice round number. Also a ridiculously ambitious one. Some great novels take years to hit that. Some brilliant ones never do.

On a practical level a book needs 25+ reviews specifically on Amazon before I can begin to promote it through most of the best channels available to me. (I only have 1 title over that threshold, alas, and it isn't Sharp Edge.) And would I like more sales? Hell yes, of course, what recovering bookseller doesn't love seeing their book fly off shelves virtual or physical?

But honestly, I only care about that part because sales mean readers, and no story circle is complete without that happening. I love the idea of sharing this world I've dreamed up and squeezed into existence out of nothingness. I can talk about my characters and their conflicts all day long, and I have a hundred more stories to tell about them. Hundreds more. At least.

ANYway. That's a good place to wrap this up. Black Widow is over, and now I need to watch some Marvel What If?

Good-bye, 2021, (aka 2020 the sequel) hello, 2022. May there be new stories completed, nw stories begun, new friends made, and many good times shared.

Until later!