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2018: listing things for fun & focus

I adore lists. They aren't useful to me in any organizational way. They don't make me work more efficiently or help my productivity. The opposite, if anything.  I'm always leaving lists behind, or forgetting where I've put them, or getting distracted before finishing one and starting a new one instead...the list itself is rarely a helpful tool.But making lists? That's a fish of another color. I consider making a list its own reward. I love writing them.  If you think this odd, well, I also consider scrolling through the cable channel menu its own distinct activity rather than a way to find shows to watch.I put things on list for the sheer joy of checking them off again. True story. Hey, I never said I was normal.ANYWAY. Still here? Fab. It's the beginning of the new year and everyone was doing lists at the end of the old year, but I was hibernating, so I'm late with mine.Here be my list of 2018 accomplishments. I made them all on my own. They're little, and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good. (Apologies to Lilo & Stitch for the misquote.)1. Wrote a book. The Sharp Edge of Yesterday isn't published yet, but I finished it & it's finally in post-editorial revisions. (It even kinda has a pitch: Grace Reed is hiding a terrible secret and a more terrible power. that will rip her away from the family she's sacrificed everything to keep together. )2. Wrote most of another book. Ghost Town isn't finished, but it's well over 50%, and that's something. All I've got for  pitch is the tongue in cheek, "She's the new sheriff. He's been dead a hundred years. Together, they fight crime and bicker."3. Attended a few too many science fiction conventions as a professional. Pro meaning I had books there to sell, wore a pro badge, and/or participated on panels and such. Woo, this means I get to make a sub-list!

  • Capricon (MY FIRST CAPRICON!)
  • Concoction (MY FIRST CONCOCTION!!)
  • C2E2 (sorta. All I did was chat w/artists & commission art. )
  • Indiana Comic Con
  • 2018 SFWA Nebula Awards Conference
  • Gen Con
  • Michigan Comic Con
  • Dragon Con
  • WindyCon

4. Wrote 2 short stories. Yes, me. Me, the person whose previous four short stories turned into novels. One of these two, Homecoming,  is a slice-of-life piece about a character who's in Sharp Edge, and it's a freebie for people who sign up for my mailing list. The other, Mercy Has a Bitter Taste,  I've had critiqued & polished & am sending off to be rejected by all the best professional markets. One down,  thirteen more to go before I trunk it.5. Started regularly attending an incredibly supportive open mic reading group in Chicago.  Gumbo Fiction Salon. I've read all of Bitter Gift there, and the reception is what gave me the confidence to start sending it out.

NOTE: GBS isn't the reading series I first expected to support. There's another series, held at Volumes Book Cafe, that I attended once and & HIGHLY recommend. I'm v sad about never returning to it, but scheduling conflicts, life detours, and a VERY difficult location have all conspired against me getting back there. (And now I'm too embarrassed to show my face again. Sigh.)

6? I think that's it for major writerly type achievements from 2018. I mean, yes, I commissioned new covers for books from the fantastic Rhiannon Taylor and the amazing Rachel Bostwick, I signed a contract for line edits from a phenomenal professional editor, I signed up for 2019 conventions, I ran multiple book promotions online, I got my latest novel into the WorldCat library database and on shelves in library systems in Illinois, Ohio, & Kentucky, and maybe Pennsylvania......but all that's just everyday authoring stuff.So much for 2018. Onward to 2019. Big plans in the making & big doings ahead.