First checklist of December
Today I:
- made blueberry scones, popcorn & cheater's cherry cobbler
- clipped the cat's claws & gave him many pets
- followed yet another awesome librarian on Twitter
- shut off FB & Instagram for the week (sorry, FB frenz)
- re-read Joining In the Round, which was was written at, about, & for this time of year. Because I'm a dork who re-reads my own books.
- took a lovely long rainwalk w/ Spouseman and discussed the ongoing ever-growing Basement Organization project.#excitinglifeofawriter #writingcheckin #winterchecklist
This is how I get through the annual darkdays struggle: I lean heavily on lists to prove to my brain that I DID SO DO SOMETHING IT ONLY FEELS LIKE NOTHING.And since one of the other things I'm doing this year is throttling back to zero FB & a half hour of Twitter on workdays (thank you Spouseman, for being the trusted holder of my passwords) I'll be dropping even more random thoughts & all the lists here on the blog.Can't say I didn't warn you.