New week, new post.

I meant to write this sooner. (we interrupt this post for a commercial announcement: this is cross-posted from Patreon, where my patrons get the weekly news with many extra cat pictures. (And occasional art, writing excepts and other sundries, too. Because who doesn’t love a good sundry?)

ANYway. That’s there, you are here, and things have been happening! So many things! I did things! Lots of things! Now ask me if I remember them.

Hahahahaha don't bother, we all know the answer is, "Nope, of course I do not recall many of the things I did. That is why I blog, so Future Me has a snowball's chance on a hot summer's day of keeping track of Past Me's shenanigans.”

Featured pic is Pip on Squirrel Patrol. He’s doing well. Full of himself, and extremely excited about all the disruption around the house.

And now, back to talking about me. Well! After the new website went live and I took a breather day last week, I started the edits on Relics From A Traveling Show. That resulted in the next three days involving me sitting down at my desk in the morning and Spouseman basically hauling my ass off the computer at night and making me eat a foo before bedtime.

But! I am pleased to announce edits are now more than half done! Huzzah for hyperfocus.

And now, somehow, it is already Wednesday again and I haven't blogged for a week. Whee.

Other things that happened:

  • two work-dates with artist Dex Greenbright, wherein we both got a lot of good. solid creative work done because working outside one's normal routine really can shake loose good results.

  • the first big Ideas Meeting for Operation: Fancify Floor 2, which has resulted in some absolutely gorgeous plans for the office and ESPECIALLY for the bathroom. (There will be tile. And a tub. Not a big tub, but A TUB. And a walk in shower with SPACE, and a handheld showerhead that can be turned off and on separate from the showerhead, and a sink that isn't cracked, and much more. I might be a little enthused about this.)

  • Playing in the yard, weeding and putting out solar lights and doing a little cleanup. Because it's spring.

  • A fair amount of television watching, when the internet cooperated. (We need a new internet provider, but I want to own my own cable modem no matter who we go with, and I've been procrastinating that search for Quite Some Time.) I'll do a Recent Media Consumption post real soon.

  • A visit from the production manager for Operation: Fancify Floor 2, with measurements taken, questions asked and answered, (like, "where will the dumpster go?" and a quick glimpse at the plans. (The Big Reveal & Final Approvals on the Big Picture meeting happens tomorrow, and yet another meeting will happen later for selections on fixtures and paint colors and so on. So. Many. Meetings.)

  • A neat Field Museum-related thing, which involved a fun train trip downtown, a lovely walk through the park, and good times at the Museum exhibits before the meeting.

  • ROADWORK. Because it wasn't enough for us to be contemplating four+ months of upheaval inside the house, the village is replacing our water main and then later will be resurfacing our street. The water main excavations began with concrete sawing Monday, and it looks like they'll have the street outside our house totally dug up by end of day tomorrow. Which, good job that they're doing the digging and resurfacing in that order, but WHEW. If we hadn't had foundation issues before a backhoe began slinging hunks of concrete into a truck right outside the house (WHAM. CRASH CLANG) we probably would've had them issues after this is done. So, extra gladness for getting the sump put in.

Now that I've written it all down, it does seem like a lot and explains my I feel a wee bit frazzled.

That's my official creative life report, until next time, thanks for reading.


It’s Gonna Be A Busy Summer


Another post already?